Misconceptions about Health Coaching

Health Coaching is an up-and coming profession born out of a need for a more hands-on approach to improving health. If we seek to fix our mobility, we can see a physical therapist, if we want to learn proper technique for workouts, we can hire a personal trainer and if we seek help with specific athletic performance, we can hire a sports coach.

Oftentimes, our primary care physicians only have a few minutes to meet with us and are unable to provide the ongoing support we need to make healthy changes. We make an appointment when we’re unhealthy (sick or injured) but otherwise rarely meet health professionals to chart a course to stay (or get) healthy. Perhaps a dietician provides you with some nutrition advice and meal planning. But implementing dietary changes into your life can feel daunting.

Here is where a health coach comes in- to be your educated, empowering health advocate and accountability partner to help you create sustainable habits for generational wellness.

While the benefits of utilizing a Health Coach are plentiful, I realize there are a few mental barriers that can get in the way. Here are some of the common misconceptions I hear about Health Coaching. Have you heard any of these?

As the NYTimes points out, whether you’re looking to change a habit that could be undermining your longterm health, or are having a hard time following your doctor’s advice, “you’d likely benefit from the help of a health coach, whose job it is to give patients the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence they need to participate fully in their own care and well-being.”

“It takes too much effort”

One acquaintance told me she didn’t have time to spend changing her lifestyle. She was already busy enough. Adding in the time to meet with a health coach plus the mental effort to chance her eating habits felt too overwhelming… I get it.

Change can be hard. That’s why utilizing a health coach can be the best move you can make- you aren’t doing this alone. Changing the right things about your mindset and reprioritizing your time will lead to a more fulfilling life! A health coach will help you create your own path- and stay on it.  

“I’ve tried diets before”

Health coaches help guide you to more mindful food choices, helping you incorporate healthier items. As an Integrative nutrition health coach- the focus isn’t about dieting- or cutting back on certain foods to the point of feeling deprived. It’s an integrative approach to sustainable lifestyle shifts, like incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables, making sleep a priority and making changing to unhealthy habits- with a coach to incorporate positive behavior change techniques to help you succeed.

“I don’t need a health coach; I need a personal trainer”

This is true for some people! Perhaps you’ve sorted everything else out- you have healthy relationships, work is going great, you get enough sleep, your diet largely consists of whole foods, you watch your sugar intake, make time for self-care and are mindful about the products you use on your skin and in your home. Maybe you have a cardio routine but get into the gym and feel a bit lost. The only missing piece is someone to show you how to exercise safely and effectively. Or, perhaps you could benefit from the expertise of a personal trainer and a health coach to lead to optimal, lasting results.

We can get so caught up in the excuses to make healthy changes that we stay stuck wishing that we’d lose weight or sleep better or have clearer skin but not make any changes to get there. Or we think that committing to three months of coaching is too big of a commitment but the three months comes and goes anyway- and nothing has changed. Time is going to pass whether we take action or not. How do you want to feel in six months, or six years?

Would it be worth it for you to have a health coach guiding you along the way to feeling like the best version of you?  

Schedule a free consultation to see if health coaching is right for you.


What is a Health Coach and How Can I Benefit?


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